Wednesday, 5 October 2011

B2B Marketing Fundamentals – Your Website & Data

From my previous post on B2B marketing fundamentals you should now have a clear idea of who you are, what your offer is (your business identity) and who you are offering it to (your target audience). This post will study the second element in our B2B Fundamentals blog series, highlighting the importance of using websites and data in successful B2B marketing.

Make sure your website is earning its keep

You should be asking yourself if your website is effective at promoting your brand, products and services. You should also be questioning whether it is an effective generator of enquiries or leads and finally, if it is visible online and whether it is geared up to receive any campaign specific traffic you may expect to receive.

If not, why not? Start thinking about how you can make your website more effective, not just in terms of the way it is laid out and navigated but also the message it provides visitors through content. If it is ineffective at generating leads look at the way it entices visitors to make contact or enquire and perhaps even test page elements to find where your website could be working harder (or smarter) for you. If it is not visible online, consider online marketing strategies, focussed towards your target audience with relevant keywords that will drive traffic to the website.

Track who visits your website

The value of understanding who and how people use your website should rarely be underestimated. Analytics software can help you to understand how effective your website is and will tell you how people arrive at your site and the way in which they behave once they are navigating it. This data if used correctly can help you to improve your website and help you get the most from your online real estate.

Get your data sorted

As well as the data you are able to glean from your website you should make use of existing client and prospect data. If you don’t have enough data to sustain your B2B marketing consider buying data. Do however ensure that your data is clean, contains the correct information and is up to date. You should also place your data in an actual database, as this is far more efficient that hoarding it away in a spreadsheet.

The success of your B2B marketing efforts is closely tied to the cleanliness and usefulness of your data as this allows you to target prospects effectively. Equally, your website also needs to perform effectively, generating prospects and converting website visitors into leads.

1 comment:

Dunitz Sandrino said...

Great insight and very simple and easy to understand fundamentals on B2B websites.